The Approaching Herd Mural
This mural is a reproduction of The Approaching Herd by Frank Reaugh. However, the only difference is the addition of the physical artist, as he is capturing the original composition.
Charles Franklin Reaugh was born on December 29th, 1860, near Jacksonville, Illinois. In 1876, Reaugh and his family moved to Terrell, where his subjects were the open rangeland surrounding the family homestead and longhorn cattle. During the winter of 1884, Reaugh formally studied at the St. Louis School of Fine Arts and Academie Julian in Paris, France, which provided him with the knowledge to open his art studio, The Ironshed. During his career, Reaugh primarily used pastels to capture the realistic but poetic essence of the cowboy — vistas, agriculture, and cattle. The artist continued to visit Terrell until he died in 1945 and is buried in the Oakland Memorial Cemetery. His work can be viewed at the Harry Ransom Center at The University of Texas at Austin, Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum in Canyon, Southwest Collection Library at Texas Tech University in Lubbock, and the Texas Capitol Historical Art Collection in Austin.