Robert A. Terrell Home

The oldest home in Terrell still standing is the former home of Robert Adams Terrell for whom the town of Terrell is named. It was actually built in an octagon shape but has become know as the “Round House.” It is currently situated on the campus of the Southwestern Christian College. Historical marker notes that it was built circa 1865.

Legend had that it was built this way to look out for the Indians, but that isn’t so. The Indians were long gone from Kaufman County by the time this house was built. It was built this way for the light and the air to circulate. It was the first house with window glass in the county. The logs for the foundation were brought up by wagon from East Texas and hand hewn on the site. When the floor was removed a few years ago, the ax marks were still visible. There are only two octagonal houses left in Texas making it of great architectural interest.

More can be learned about the history of Robert Adams Terrell and his contribution to the great State of Texas in Dr. Horace P. Flatt’s book, “Cap’n Terrell’s Town.”
